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Game 1: A Storm's a Comin'

  • Prince William Forest Park - Cabin Camp 5 17425 Mawavi Rd. Triangle, VA 22172 United States (map)

Seize your opportunity in Stonegate! 

It’s been fifty years since Delver Hornswaggle and his faithful guide Greensprig the Elder happened upon the standing arch of rock that would give Stonegate its name.  The town was originally founded to service the scholars, diggers, and their families who came to search the ruins of Bal’maturg for artifacts and knowledge of the Arcanum, but we’ve come a long way since then!

There’s a lot to do here in Stonegate, and we’re only getting started! The new spur of the Crickshaw line promises to bring industry and development while also supplying jobs for those who will work to lay this new rail west, perhaps all the way to Whytmont!

Our town is growing fast, thanks to the renewed interest in Bal’maturg from the College of Antiquity, who’ve set up a small campus and are using the ruins to train tomorrow’s archeologists. We’ve even attracted the famous Doctor Goz, who engaged the Natural Ecological Resource Development Syndicate to bring modern industrial, agricultural, and construction to Stonegate. Soon, we’ll be as modern as Watts Landing!

There’s room to get started, here, too! Land is cheap, and there’s plenty of housing. Don’t miss the opportunity of a lifetime; it’s guaranteed that Stonegate won’t be on the frontier for long!

The future is bright here in Stonegate. We can’t wait for you to be part of what comes next! 

Click here for additional information!

April 21

Beta Event #1: It Begins!

August 25

Game 2: Boomtown or Bust!